Wednesday, October 19, 2005

FOSS in Developing Countries

The room was crowded and I wondered why so many people would be this interested in what's going on in developing countries. I know I was there because I grew up in a developing country.
Anyway it appears the speaker is a heavyweight, well connected and a pretty good presenter. Danese Cooper is from Intel. Now why this interest from intel in developing countries. Apparantly to sell chips. For intel it doesn't matter what is running on top as long as it is their chips underneath.

Denis also has some interesting toughts about this session.

Later on I spoke to Jeff Zucker, who has done a lot of work for the United Nations in developing countries. I am thinking of volunteering for such a project somewhere in the future.

Open Source: Why Apple?

Apple and open source? I don't get it yet, but apparantly if you want to be taken seriously in the open source world you need to have at least an iBook.

Is it just the not-microsoft sentiment or is there a more rational reason for its popularity?
For one thing, most open source developers are either smaller companies are people working in their own time. So corporate company standards don't apply, and there is a choice.

Given that we have a choice, why do we choose the mac. For one thing it is unix underneath. So it has all the unix tools developers are accustomed to.
We also have an apache server and cvs out of the box. So compared to windows there are defintely benefits.

But compared with linux?


I tried to use livelink for my Eurooscon blogs, but livelink has problems on mac os x. I gave up and created a blog on

I'm now on the third day and try to recap the last two days. The first day were the tutorials. I chose the ruby on rails and model driven ajax tutorial, the two most hyped technologies of the moment.

The ruby on rails tutorial did not meet my expectations. I already started learning ruby on rails and this tutorial didn't give me any new insights.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Atos Origin at EuroOscon

Myself, Denis and Mylene during coffeebreak.

Photo by James Duncan Davidson/O’Reilly Media